This can sound daunting, but you do not need to set up a complete DevOps environment for all your development teams at once. Begin with a pilot application where it is particularly important to have cross-platform capabilities with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), then move on to larger, more intensive applications.
MDChange’s built-in branching provides exceptional support for agile IBM i development environments. For example, you can have separate branches for different Scrum teams, projects, or applications in which each branch represents a release.
With MDChange, you can analyze and deploy faster, and in a far more structured way, creating functional development and test branches across partitions. In an MDChange branch, you can specify which, and how many, test environments and partitions you would like. Test levels can vary by project, and they operate independently of each other.
When code is ready to go back to the trunk, MDChange checks to see if anything has changed in production since that branch was initiated and the source was copied down for modification. It notifies you if there are conflicts so you can merge those changes before it moves up the path and on to production.
DevOps and agile development are nothing new for Midrange Dynamics North America. Our consultants have years of experience helping our IBM i clients attain their DevOps goals.
Midrange Dynamics itself uses agile development methodology to deliver new functionality to our clients, ensuring easy upgrades and backwards compatibility with previous versions so that you can continually take advantage of new product features.
Get the free IBM i Developer’s Guide
to DevOps & CI/CD Pipelines!
Learn how to implement this invaluable
development methodology from
our very own Donna Westmoreland.