iKnow Knowledge Share


Welcome to the iKnow Knowledge Share MDNA Blog where our experts at Midrange Dynamics North America share their knowledge. Check out their articles and learn from their knowledge share.

Introducing the MD Compile Log Navigator

Introducing the newest addition to the MD programmer’s toolbox: the Compile Log Navigator. It’s always rewarding when our developers create tools that become integral to MDChange. Once again, we’re excited to introduce another helpful tool, the Compile Log Navigator. Locating compile errors can be a time-consuming task, but with MDOpen’s

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IBM Releases Constant Standalone Fields to RPG

Bad Joke of the Month I just overheard that Earl is real mixed up.  (You may have to read it again to get it.) IBM Releases Constant Standalone Fields to RPG This spring, IBM added support for “Constant StandaloneFields” to RPG. To avoid confusion with other types of constants (figurativeconstants, named

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Have You Tested Your Code? MDTest Can Help

Have You Tested Your Code? MDTest Can Help When code is changed, the first thing everyone asks is have you tested it.   Testing is a critical part of the DevOps cycle. Whether you are using waterfall, agile, or a hybrid approach to your software development lifecycle, testing is essential.   If

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IBM Releases Updates to RPG’s SND-MSG Opcode

Deep Thought Well-informed people know it is impossible to transmit the voice over wires and that, were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value.     — Excerpt from an 1865 Boston Post editorial. IBM Releases Updates to RPG’s SND-MSG Opcode Every Spring and Fall

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Event Photos

POWERUP 2024 There was plenty of great education, connection, fun and good food at POWERUP 2024 in Fort Worth, TX. We hope you enjoyed the week, we certainly did! Check out our robot, run by MDRest4i! It was designed by Scott Klement and his son, Alex NEUGC 2024 We learned

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8.6 Enhancements you will love! Service Program Dependencies

8.6 Enhancements you will love! Service Program Dependencies Customers with service programs may decide to upgrade for this feature alone. In Version 8.6, MDXREF is even smarter, thanks to a new dependency enhancement. The pre-submit warning for missing dependencies now ignores modules, programs, and services. Programs will only be listed

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