REST API Education Tool Kit

Learn More About REST API Technologies

At Midrange Dynamics North America, we empower our customers to harness new technologies to grow their businesses. This educational tool kit is here to help you better understand REST API technologies and how to better utilize them. Whether you are just learning this technology or are looking for some new tricks, gain knowledge from our celebrated industry experts, Scott Klement and Stuart Milligan, as they discuss important REST API topics, insights on best practices, and important tools that can simplify the job. 

Ready? Let’s learn!

What is a REST API?

A REST API is an interface that allows different software systems to communicate with each other over the internet. It operates based on a set of constraints and principles. 

How do they work?

  • Client sends a Request: The client, which can be a web browser or a mobile app, sends an HTTP request to a specific URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) representing the resource it wants to interact with.

  • Server Processes the Request: The server, upon receiving the request, processes it and performs the necessary action, such as retrieving data from a database or storing data.

  • Server Sends a Response: After processing the request, the server sends back an HTTP response to the client. This response contains the appropriate status code indicating the success or failure of the request, along with the requested data (if applicable).

  • Client Processes the Response: The client processes the response from the server, which might involve rendering data to the user or initiating further requests.

REST APIs are widely used in web and mobile applications due to their simplicity, scalability, securability, and ease of use. They form the backbone of many modern web services and applications, allowing different systems to communicate and exchange data effectively.

A Case for REST APIs

REST APIs are powerful technologies that enable companies to make important business connections within their internal technologies and with their clients. They can be applied to a wide range of use cases, depending on the specific needs of an organization. Here are just a few of the uses for REST APIs: 

    • Mobile Applications

    • Web Applications

    • Internet of Things (IoT)

    • E-commerce

    • Content Management Systems

    • Third-party Integrations

    • Data Analytics

    • Internet Services

    • Internal System Integration

Ward Transport & Logistics uses REST APIs to navigate pricing complexities in their industry. To gain a competitive edge against stiff competition, they needed to provide customers with the most competitive pricing possible. They depend on dynamic pricing applications and REST API integration to win business and make a profit. Check out this case study to learn more. 

FAQ with Stuart Milligan

MDRest4i - The IBM i Developer Game Changer

Join Scott Klement for a sneak peek of MDRest4i – the game-changing tool for IBM i developers that makes REST API creation a simple task.

MDRest4i Workflow

MDRest4i makes the IBM i developer’s job easy, enabling IBM i programmers to build REST APIs using only RPG and SQL RPG ILE. As an IBM i application expert, you can enforce your business rules without having to rely on middleware, code abstractions, or connectivity drivers. Quickly and easily build any kind of integration with your IBM i applications.

Want to learn more?

Don’t miss out on harnessing this powerful technology – simply – with MDRest4i. Get in touch with the experts here at Midrange Dynamics North America to learn how REST APIs can make a difference in your business. 
